London Mutual Credit Union - Card Balance Mismatch Issue – Incident details

All systems operational

Card Balance Mismatch Issue

Started about 2 years agoLasted 4 months


Payments & Transfers

Operational from 2:35 PM to 1:53 PM

Mobile App

Operational from 2:35 PM to 1:53 PM

Online Banking

Operational from 2:35 PM to 1:53 PM

  • Resolved

    This incident has been resolved.

  • Identified

    We have identified an issue affecting the balance information displayed on some of our current accounts.

    In a small number of cases, your account balance (as displayed in online banking, the mobile app, and elsewhere) may not reflect recent transactions made using your debit card.

    We are working to fix this issue as soon as we can, and will post updates here as more information becomes available.

    What this Means

    • It may appear that you have more funds available in your account than you do in reality, so be careful about spending money if your balance is higher than expected.

    • If your Credit Union current account goes overdrawn (showing a negative or minus balance), please let us know so that we can refund any interest charge on your account. You will still need to repay the money itself as soon as you are able to.

    • Your credit file or chances of a future loan with us will not be affected due to you going overdrawn as a result of this issue.